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time to confess...

we, hairstylists, haven't been completely forthright and for that, i apologize. but i promise our deceit wasn't malicious in nature. ours is a falsehood born mainly out of guilt. we feel guilty that we are getting away with it. we are getting away with calling what we do "work". we are getting away with making a living out of art. i know that sounds slightly overblown but hairstylists are not known for being level-headed. plainly put, we play for a living. we are paid to play. not to say that the "work" doesn't come with its fair share of tense moments and stress but overall our days are full of laughter and adventure. most of us are passionate people with an innate need to create. our industry allows us the freedom to be led by that passion and creativity. if done properly, hair styling allows us to become our own bosses and to create a career that is a reflection of our own style and personality. we could not, however, make this happen on our own. we need the camaraderie of other passionate stylists and mentors to push our skill set and open our minds. more important still, we need your hair and we need your interaction. the connection to our guests feeds into the rush that we are all pursuing. the rush is watching someone leave feeling better than they came. It is hair that you can't keep your hands out of. its the smile that was hidden under those unruly locks. it is a gray day giving way to the sunshine. it is the satisfaction of a good day's "work" i am waiting with bated breath for the rug to be pulled out from under me. for the gig to be up. to be found out. but more than a decade in, i am still getting away it... and i will continue to live this sham for as long as i am allowed.

we, hairstylists, are a blessed lot and we owe it to all of you brave souls who are willing to share this adventure with us... and for that, i say "thank you".

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340 Locust St. Gadsden, AL


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